
  • Primary:
    • new Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) in a naïve host;
    • symptomatic or asymptomatic;
    • 90% of infected normal hosts will never develop clinically evident disease
  • Latent:
    • well-controlled infection without clinical or radiographic evidence of active disease;
    • can persist for years to decades
  • Reactivated:
    • activation of latent;
    • more likely in the setting of immunosuppression.
  • Milliary:
    • disseminated lympho-hematogenous spread due to primary or reactivated TB
  • Multidrug-resistant (MDR):
    • WARN: resistant to isoniazid (INH) & rifampin.
    • Can occur as 1° infxn.
  • Extensively drug-resistant (XDR):
    • resistant to
      • INH
      • rifampin (RIF)
      • fluoroquinolones (FQ)
    • and at least one of:
      • amikacin,
      • kanamycin,
      • capreomycin