
🌱 來自:marginal zone lymphoma



Merli M, Arcaini L. Management of marginal zone lymphomas. Hematology American Society of Hematology Education Program. 2022;2022(1):676-687. doi:10.1182/hematology.2022000362

  • In some cases, tx of underlying etiology can result in MZL regression

  • H. pylori eradication w/ abx for gastric ENMZL (not effective if t(11;18) present or if there is muscularis or perigastric LN involvement), HCV for splenic MZL, doxycycline for ocular or cutaneous Borrelia-assoc ENMZL

  • Localized dz common, can be tx curatively irrespective of sx often w/ limited RT

  • Adv stage MZL is a chronic condition (typically incurable). Surveillance vs. tx is based on presence of ≥1 GELF, NCCN or similar criteria (like follicular lymphoma)

  • Transformation:

    • 5–10% transform to aggressive large-cell lymphoma often signaled by
      • rapid ↑ LN,
      • new B sx,
      • or ↑ LDH.
    • Consider FDG PET directed bx, tx like DLBCL
  • Ibrutinib plus Bendamustine and Rituximab in Untreated Mantle-Cell Lymphoma

  • rr-rx-MZL

  • CCO_ONC_2022_BDCommunity_CSR_BCellAgentsBTK_PDF2.pdf

  • Use of anti-infectious regimens in patients with MZLs