
  • Hemothorax is an accumulation of blood within the pleural space.
  • Hematocrit of the pleural fluid is greater than 50% of the hematocrit of the patient’s peripheral blood in hemothorax.
  • 紅色跟有Hemothorax是兩回事喔
  • Hemothorax can be traumatic (blunt or penetrating), nontraumatic, or iatrogenic.
  • Computed tomography scan is the gold standard in the detection of hemothorax. Ultrasonography and chest radiography may also diagnose and monitor hemothorax.
  • The first line of treatment for hemothorax is pleural drainage.
  • Small-bore (14-French) tube thoracostomy is not inferior to large-bore (32- to 40-French) drainage catheters.
  • Expectant management may be achieved in patients with a small hemothorax, of 300 mL or less, with close observation and repeat imaging.
  • Arterial embolization can be considered in patients with active intercostal artery bleeding who are considered poor candidates for surgery.
  • Surgical intervention may be required when there is (1) acute blood loss of 1500 mL, (2) retained hemothorax of 500 mL or greater on chest radiograph following tube thoracostomy, or (3) persistent drainage of 250 mL or more over 3 to 4 hours.


  • 血胸是胸膜腔內血液的積聚。
  • 胸腔積液的血細胞比容大於患者血胸外周血血細胞比容的 50%。
  • 血胸可由外傷(鈍性或穿透性)、非外傷或醫源性原因引起。
  • 計算機斷層掃描是檢測血胸的最佳方法。超聲檢查和胸片也可以診斷和監測血胸。
  • 血胸的一線治療是胸腔引流。
  • 小口徑(14-French)管胸腔造口術並不比大口徑(32-至 40-French)引流導管差。
  • 對於 300 mL 或更少的小血胸患者,通過密切觀察和重複成像,可以實現期待治療。
  • 對於被認為不適合手術的活動性肋間動脈出血患者,可以考慮動脈栓塞術。
  • 出現以下情況時可能需要手術干預:
  • (1) 急性失血 1500 mL,
  • (2) 胸腔造口術後胸片顯示存留血胸 500 mL 或更多,或
  • (3) 持續引流 250 mL 或更多超過 3 至4個小時。