
Ultrasound findings of benign and malignant breast lesions

Ultrasound findings of benign and malignant breast lesions

  • Appearance

    • Homogeneous texture or echo-free space
    • Heterogeneous texture, Hypoechoic
  • Structure

    • Fluctuant
    • Firm, rigid
  • Margins

    • Well-circumscribed lesion with smooth margins
    • Irregular mass with poorly defined, spiculated margins
  • Further findings

    • Posterior enhancement (cyst) or thin echogenic rim with pseudocapsules (fibroadenoma)
    • Posterior shadowing
  • Further management

    • Regular check-ups Possibly surgical excision
    • Fine needle aspiration or core needle biopsy
  • In postmenopausal women and women ≥ 30 years of age with a suspicious breast mass, mammography is preferred over ultrasound.

  • In premenopausal women < 30 years of age, ultrasound is preferred, because the higher density of breast tissue decreases the diagnostic power of mammography.