Serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG)
- serum alb (g/dL) - ascites alb (g/dL)
SAAG ≥1.1 diagnoses portal HTN with ~97% accuracy
- ascites protein (肝功有問題)< 2.5 portal HTN
- another cause (seen in ~5% of cases) SAAG still ≥1.1
SAAG < 1.1
TLDR: 小 SAAG,非 portal hypertension (沒有壓力差) : 腎病、感染、Peritoneal carcinomatosis
- Biliary leak
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Pancreatitis
- Peritoneal carcinomatosis
- Tuberculosis
- see also: Evaluation-ascites
- 👉 Ascites fluid total protein (AFTP)
- see also: pleural effusion