
🌱 來自: pheochromocytoma

Diagnostic studies of pheochromocytoma

(JCEM 2014;99:1915)

  • 24° urinary fractionated metanephrines:
    • 98% Se,
    • 98% Sp.
    • Screening test of choice if low-risk (b/c false ⊕ with:
      • severe illness,
      • renal failure,
      • OSA,
      • labetalol due to assay interference
      • acetaminophen,
      • TCAs,
      • medications containing sympathomimetics
  • Plasma fractionated metanephrines:
    • 97% Se, 91% Sp.
    • Screening test of choice if high risk, but ↑ rate of false ⊕ in low-prevalence population.
    • False ⊕ rate lower if patient supine for 30 min (estimated 2.8× ↑ false ⊕ if seated
  • Adrenal CT or T2-weighted MRI;
    • PET for known metastatic disease or to localize nonadrenal mass but usually easy to find;
    • consider MIBG scintigraphy if CT/MRI ⊖
  • Consider genetic testing in all Pts (J Intern Med 2019;285:187)