
Figure 1-1 QRS axis

Left axis deviation (LAD)

  • Definition: axis beyond –30° (S >R in lead II)

  • Etiologies: LVH, LBBB, inferior MI, WPW

  • Left anterior fascicular block (LAFB): LAD (–45 to –90°) and qR in aVL and QRS <120 msec and no other cause of LAD (eg, IMI)

Right axis deviation (RAD)

  • Definition: axis beyond +90° (S >R in lead I)

  • Etiologies: RVH, PE, COPD (usually not >+110°), septal defects, lateral MI, WPW

  • Left posterior fascicular block (LPFB): RAD (90–180°) and rS in I & aVL and qR in III & aVF and QRS <120 msec and no other cause of RAD