
🌱 來自: CLL pathology outline

Positive stains-of-CLL pathology outline

  • CD5 (rarely negative), CD79a, CD20 (dim), CD23, CD19, PAX5, CD200, BCL2, LEF1, CD43, IgM / IgD (dim) (Arch Pathol Lab Med 2014;138:1666)
  • CD38, ZAP70, CD49d may be positive; they are associated with worse prognosis (Blood 2011;118:3470, Leukemia 2003;17:2426, Blood 2020;135:1244)
  • MUM1 may be positive, considered as adverse prognostic factor by some
  • Richter transformation: only 30% are CD5 positive, CD23 only in 15%, most are nongerminal center type (Blood 2018;131:2761)