
🌱 來自: hyperkalemia

drug induced hyperkalemia

  • A wide range of drugs can cause hyperkalemia by a variety of mechanisms.
  • Drugs can interfere with potassium homoeostasis either by promoting transcellular potassium shift or by impairing renal potassium excretion.
  • Drugs may also increase potassium supply.
  • The reduction in renal potassium excretion due to inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system represents the most important mechanism by which drugs are known to cause hyperkalemia.
  • Medications that alter transmembrane potassium movement
    • include amino acids,
    • beta-blockers,
    • calcium channel blockers,
    • suxamethonium, and
    • mannitol.
  • Drugs that impair renal potassium excretion are mainly represented by
    • angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,
    • angiotensin-II receptor blockers,
    • direct renin inhibitors,
    • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
    • calcineurin inhibitors,
    • heparin and derivatives,
    • aldosterone antagonists,
    • potassium-sparing diuretics,
    • trimethoprim, and
    • pentamidine.
  • Potassium-containing agents represent another group of medications causing hyperkalemia.