
🌱 來自: NSCLC

Molecular biology-of-NSCLC

Other genomic features

- Genome doubling,
  • tobacco-induced mutagenesis (C>A, G>T transversions),
    • tumor suppressor loss-of-function Mt (TP53, STK11, KEAP1, CDKN2A, NF1),
  • APOBEC-related subclonal Mt (Nat Gen 2018;50:1189; NEJM 2016;374:1864)


  • Few RTK gene mutations;
  • chr 3q Amp;
  • common: TP53 (81%), CDKN2A loss (72%), RB1, PIK3CA, PTEN, NFE2L2, KEAP1, NOTCH1, SOX2 Amp, FGFR1 Amp, HLA-A loss (Nature 2012;489:519;
  • J Clin Oncol 2012;30:abstr 7505) PD-L1 expression:
    • Scored by % membranous staining of viable tumor cells (TPS), immune cells (IC),
    • reflection of tumor inflammation ↑ a/w ↑ ICI response Tumor mutation burden (TMB): Nonsynonymous (coding) mutations measured as mutations/megabase (mt/mb) ↑ TMB a/w ↑ ICI response (Science 2015;348:124; Cancer Cell 2018;33:843) and a/w tobacco-induced mutagenesis