

  • Mitomycin

    • 10 mg/m2 IV (maximum 20 mg per dose)
    • Infuse as slow IV push or slow infusion in NS¶ (over 15 to 30 minutes).[3]
    • Days 1 and 29
  • Fluorouracil (FU)

    • 1000 mg/m2 per day IV (maximum daily dose 2000 mg)
    • Dilute in 500 to 1000 mL D5W¶ and administer as continuous infusion over 24 hours per day for four days (96 hours).
    • Days 1 through 4, and days 29 through 32
  • Radiotherapy (45 to 50.4 Gy)

    • 1.8 Gy daily,
    • five days per week Begin within 24 hours of the administration of chemotherapy. Start on day 1 (total of five weeks)
  • Pretreatment considerations_of_nigro_protocol

  • Role of mitomycin

  • mitomycin