Treatment of Hyperkalemia-hyperkalemia

Ca gluconate Ca chloride

  • 1–2 amps IV onset <3 min with
  • Transient effect (30–60 min)
  • Stabilizes cell membrane

CaCl contains more calcium and is typically reserved for codes (↑ risk of tissue necrosis) or via central line


  • reg insulin 5–10 U IV + 1–2 amps D50W
  • 15–30 min Peak 30–60 min, lasts 4–6 h
  • ↓ K 0.5–1.2 mEq/L

Bicarbonate (esp. if acidemic)

  • 1–2 amps IV
  • 150 mEq in 1 L D5W
  • 15–30 min
  • Exchange K for H+ in cells
  • Lasts 5–6 h; ↓ K 0.7 mEq/L

β2 agonists

  • albuterol 10–20 mg inh. or 0.5 mg IV
  • 30–90 min
  • Peak 90 min, lasts 2–6 h
  • ↓ K 0.5–1.4 mEq/L (IV >inh)

K-binding resins

  • SPSb 15–60 g PO/PR, patiromer 8.4–25.2 g/d PO, Na zirconium 5–10 g PO
  • 4–24 hrs
  • Exchange K for cations in gut
  • (Na, Ca, H); ↓ K 0.8–1 mEq/L/d.
  • Edema & HTN w/ Na zirconium.

~0.4% intestinal necrosis esp. postop, ileus, SBO/LBO, bowel disease (UC), renal txp (Clin Nephro 2016;85:38)


  • furosemide ≥40 mg IV
  • 30 min
  • ↓ total body K


Most rapid in 1st hr (1 mEq/L) ↓ total body K (JASN 2017;28:3441)