
🌱 來自: breast cancer

Screening for women with greater than average risk

  • BRCA1/2: CBE q6-12mos beginning age 25, annual MMG + annual breast MRI beginning age 25 or younger based on earliest onset in affected family member; consider U/S as adjunct to mammography for women w/ dense breasts due to decreased Se, though questionable utility if performing MRI
  • Consider MRI for mut in: ATM, CDH1, CHK2, NF1, PALB2
  • 20% lifetime risk (but not BRCA), as calculated by predictive models (Gail model): CBE q6-12mos beginning age 25, annual MMG, & consider annual breast MRI
  • Hx of thoracic RT: CBE q6-12mos starting 8-10 y after RT exposure, annual MMG + annual MRI starting 8-10 y after RT or age 40, whichever comes 1st
  • Hx of LCIS or ALH/ADH: CBE q6-12 mos & annual MMG