TIMI Risk Score

TIMI Score

Calculation of Risk Score


Age ≥65 y
≥3 Risk factors for CAD
Known CAD (stenosis ≥50%)
ASA use in past 7 d


Severe angina (≥2 episodes w/in 24 h)
ST deviation ≥0.5 mm
⊕ cardiac marker (troponin, CK-MB)

Application of Risk Score

| Score | D/MI/UR by 14 d | | 0–1 | 5% | | 2 | 8% | | 3 | 13% | | 4 | 20% | | 5 | 26% | | 6–7 | 41% |

Higher risk Pts (TRS ≥3) derive ↑ benefit from LMWH, GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors and early angiography (JACC 2003;41:89S)