Treatment of latent TB

  • If screening test ⊕ and no risk factors, confirm prior to treatment;
  • if ⊕ w/ risk factors, proceed to treatment (CID 2017;64:11).
  • Prior to treatment of latent TB, active TB must be ruled out with, at a minimum, ROS for symptoms (cough, fever, night sweats, weight loss), physical exam, and CXR (though may be normal in immunosupp.)

Scenario - Prophylaxis Regimen

PPD/IGRA ⊕ (regardless of HIV status)

  • 1st line:
    • Rifampin × 4 mo or
    • INH/rifampin daily x 3 mos or
    • INH/rifapentine weekly × 12 wks) (MMWR 2020; 69:1)
  • Alternative: INH + vitamin B6 × 6–9 mos

Contact case known or suspected to have MDR TB

  • No proven regimen: ? PZA + EMB, ? PZA + FQ
  • ✓ LFTs monthly if receiving INH
    • (risk ↑ w/ age; Chest 2005;128:116): if AST/ALT ↑ 5× ULN or sx (nausea, vomiting, abd pain)
      • → stop TB meds & re-eval