
Pancreatic head (uncinate process) ductal (M/D) adenocarcinoma s/p laparoscopic Whipple operation on ___/___/___, pT3N1(___/___)M0, stage IIB, margin involved by invasive carcinoma, LVI___, perineural invasion ___, vascular invasion ___

  • Initial presentation: ___
  • Treatment plan: adjuvant chemotherapy ___
  • Follow up parameter:
    • CA-199, abdominal CT scan ___
  • adjuvant_treatment_info:
    • purpose: “The purpose of adjuvant treatment is to improve DFS and OS but not for cure.”
    • eligibility: “Adjuvant treatment should be administered to patients who have not had neoadjuvant chemotherapy and who have adequately recovered from surgery; treatment would be initiated within 12 weeks.”
    • restaging: “If systemic chemotherapy precedes CCRT, restaging with imaging should be done after each treatment modality.”
    • candidates: “Patients who have received neoadjuvant CCRT or chemotherapy may be candidates for additional chemotherapy following surgery and multidisciplinary review.”
    • options_dependency: “The adjuvant therapy options are dependent on the response to neoadjuvant therapy and other clinical considerations.”

adjuvant_chemotherapy_explanation at date: ___/___/___

  • Gem_alone:
    • study: “CONKO-001 study”
    • dosage: “1000mg/m2 D1,8,15, q4w for 6 months”
    • OS_HR: “0.76”
  • FU_LV:
    • dosage: “425/20 IV bolus D1-D5 QM for 6 months”
    • mOS: “23.6 month”
  • GEM_capcitabine:
    • dosage: “1660mg/m2 D1-D21, Q4weeks”
    • HR: “0.82”


  • description: “Explain induction chemotherapy followed by CCRT followed by subsequent chemotherapy: GEM/5FU CCRT with 5FU or GEM GEM/5FU.”
  • CCRT_with_weekly_FU_LV:
    • description: “Explain CCRT with weekly 5FU/LV.”