coronavirus (covid-19)

Microbiology and epidemiology

  • Person-to-person transmission via respiratory particles; asx & pre-sx transmission can occur
  • Incubation period: up to 14 days, median time of 4–5 days from exposure to sx onset


  • Ranges from asx to severe illness. Of those with sx, 81% mild-to-moderate, 14% severe (hypoxia), 5% critical (ARDS, shock, multiorgan failure) (JAMA 2020:323;13)

  • Common sx: fever, chills, cough, dyspnea, myalgias, HA, N/V, diarrhea, loss of smell/taste

  • Risk factors for severe illness: age ≥65, CVD, DM, stroke, lung dx, CKD, obesity Diagnosis

  • RT-PCR testing of nasopharynx, lower respiratory tract, or anterior nares

  • Rapid antigen testing of anterior nares (less Se than PCR)

  • CXR: typically bilateral opacities (esp peripheral), can be nl early; consider CT if dx ?

  • Treatment of COVID-19 󰒗 (

  • Prevention

    • Vaccines against spike protein highly effective. Infxn may occur but severity much lower.
  • See CDC website for quarantine guidelines (