Obscure GIB

(Am J Gastro 2015;110:1265; Gastro 2017;152:497)


continued bleeding (melena, hematochezia) despite ⊖ EGD & colo; 5% of GIB


Dieulafoy’s lesion, GAVE, small bowel angiodysplasia, ulcer or cancer, Crohn’s disease, aortoenteric fistula, Meckel’s diverticulum, hemobilia


  • repeat EGD w/ push enteroscopy/colonoscopy when bleeding is active
  • If ⊖, video capsule to evaluate small intestine (contraindic. if stricture) (GIE 2015;81:889)
  • If still ⊖, consider 99mTc-pertechnetate scan (“Meckel’s scan”), enteroscopy (single-balloon, double-balloon, or spiral), tagged RBC scan and arteriography