Diagnostic evaluation-anemia

  • History: bleeding, systemic illness, drugs, exposures, alcohol, diet (including pica), FHx

  • CBC w/ diff.; RBC params incl. retics, MCV (nb, mixed disorder can → nl MCV), RDW

  • Reticulocyte index

  • Peripheral smear:

    • select area where roughly ⅓ RBCs touch each other;
    • ✓ RBC size, shape, inclusions
      • (see “Appendix” & “Peripheral Smear”),
    • WBC morphology,
    • plt count
  • Additional labs as indicated:

    • hemolysis labs (if RI >2%, see below),
    • iron/TIBC, ferritin,
    • folate, B12,
    • LFTs, BUN, & Cr,
    • TFTs,
    • Hb electrophoresis,
    • enzyme/gene mutation screens
  • Bone marrow (BM) aspirate and biopsy (bx) with cytogenetics as indicated