Properties and Antidotes for Anticoagulants Fibrinolytics

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Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) for NVAF


  • 60–90′, RES ↑ PTT
  • Protamine IV 1 mg/100 U UFH (max 50 mg). For infusions, dose to reverse 2× UFH given per h.


  • 2–7°, K anti-Xa*
  • Protamine reverses ~60%. 1 mg per 1 mg enox.


25′, K ↑ PTT Dialysis


45′, L ↑ PTT ? Dialysis


  • 36°, L ↑ PT
  • No bleeding: vit K 2.5 mg PO if INR >9, o/w no e/o clinical benefit (Blood Adv 2019;3:789)
  • Bleeding: vit. K 10 mg IV + either 4F-PCC (KCentra, 25, 35, or 50 U/kg for INR 2–4, 4–6, or >6) or FFP 2–4 U IV q6–8h (slower, more volume)


  • 20′, LK ↓ fbgn
  • Cryo, FFP, ± tranexamic or aminocaproic acid

Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban

  • 8–12°, K >L ↑ PT* anti-Xa*
  • Andexanet alfa (factor Xa decoy receptor): 800 mg bolus (30 mg/min) → 8 mg/min infusion (½ of above if taking ½ dose DOAC or ≥8 hrs since last dose; NEJM 2019;380:1326); 4F-PCC if andexanet not available


  • ~12°, K ↑ PTT*
  • Idarucizumab: mAb binds drug (NEJM 2017;377:431)