
🌱 來自: Colon Cancer

Screening in average risk populations of Colon Cancer

  • Colonoscopy Q10 y starting at ↣ 45;
    • 45-49 y-qualified recommendation given prevalence of large polyps in adults by age 50-54 y & rising incidence/mortality of CRC in younger pts;
    • 50 y or older-strong recommendation, highest Se & Sp, ↓ mortality in RCT (NEJM 2012;366:687);
    • 76-85 y-individualized by health status, life expectancy, & pt preference;
    • 86 y or older-usu discouraged
  • Other options (less preferrable):
    • CT colonography q 5 y;
    • flexible sigmoidoscopy q 5 y;
    • FOBT annually;
    • fecal immunochemical test (FIT) annually;
    • stool DNA q 3 y
  • See Cancer Genetics chapter for screening recommendations in increased risk pops (incl. Lynch/FAP)