🌱 created from: chronic myelogenous leukemia


  • Philadelphia chromosome
  • Three types of fusion proteins based on location of breakpoint in BCR gene:
    • p210:
      • Classic breakpoint (>95% of pts); (also seen in 30% Ph+ ALL)
    • p230:
      • Alternative breakpoint; found in only rare cases (<1%)
    • p190:
      • Also rare (<1%); (common breakpoint in Ph+ ALL, 70%)
  • A minority of pts (<5%) may harbor a variant translocation (eg, t(9;14;22))
    • → testing at dx by both cytogenetics (karyotype, FISH) & molecular (PCR) important;
    • need to confirm fusion type (eg, p210) & splice type (e13 vs. e14a2) → impact on response