Obeticholic acid (FXR agonist): monoRx if cannot tolerate UDCA (but not in decompen cirrhosis) or if no Δ w/ UDCA after 1 y; found to ↓ Aφ, ↑ pruritus (NEJM 2016;375:631)
Bezafibrate (not available in U.S. but fenofibrate similar) appears to be effective 2nd-line agent in combo w/ UDCA if inadequate response to UDCA (NEJM 2018;378:2171)
Pruritus: cholestyramine (give 2-4 h after UDCA); if refractory sx: naltrexone, rifampin
If ESLD: liver tx; ~20% recur but no impact on long-term survival