Workup-acute kidney injury (AKI)
- meds, contrast, or other nephrotoxins;
- ↓ PO intake, HoTN, infxn/sepsis;
- trauma, myalgias;
- BPH/retention.
- Search for insult 24-48 hr prior ↑ Cr. VS, vol status, rash.
Urine evaluation:
- output,
- urinalysis,
- urine sediment in AKI,
- electrolytes,
- and osmolality
Fractional excretion Na (FENa) = (UNa/PNa)/(UCr/PCr); if diuretic, ✓ FEUN=(UUN/PUN)/(UCr/PCr)
Renal U/S or CT: r/o obstruction & cortical atrophy in chronic kidney disease
Serologies (if indicated): Glomerular Diseases
Renal biopsy (microscopy, IF, and EM): if etiology unclear (esp. if proteinuria/hematuria). Relative contraindic.: SBP>150, ASA/NSAID, anticoag, cirrhosis. DDAVP if GFR <45.