

Pre-hydration5% Dextrose 3000 ml + KCl (2 mEq/ml) 15 ml + NaHCO3 (0.83 mEq/ml) 180 ml IVFContinuously (Pre-Methotrexate)
Pre-medicationGranisetron 1 mg IV PUSH30 mins before Methotrexate
ChemotherapyMethotrexate 3000 mg/m2 (D2)4900 mg in 5% Dextrose 1000 ml IVF over 4 hrs, rate 299 ml/hr at 08:00 (D2)
Vincristine 1.4 mg/m2 (D1)2 mg IV PUSH at 17:45 (D1)
Mercaptopurine (專案進口) /D1-D7100 mg PO daily at 13:00 (D1) 09:00 (D2-7)
Post-hydration5% Dextrose 2000 ml + KCl (2 mEq/ml) 10 ml + NaHCO3 (0.83 mEq/ml) 120 ml IVF125 ml/hr at 12:00 (D2)
5% Dextrose 3000 ml + KCl (2 mEq/ml) 15 ml + NaHCO3 (0.83 mEq/ml) 180 ml IVF125 ml/hr at 04:00 (D3) x 2 days
OthersLeucovorin 30 mg PO Q6H x 5 days06:00 (D3)
  • Check urine pH at 21:00 (D1), 06:00 (D2) then BID (06:00, 18:00)
  • Check MTX level at the 4 hrs, 24 hrs, and 48 hrs after the start of MTX infusion
  • Check CBC/DC, BCS at 8AM on D4
  • Record U/O and BW QD