Typical Characteristics and Diagnostic Studies of Chest Pain > Chest Pain form CPS

Initial diagnostic studies

  • Focused history of chest pain

  • Targeted exam:

    • VS (incl. BP in both arms);
    • gallops, murmurs, rubs;
    • signs of vascular dis. (carotid/femoral bruits, ↓ pulses) or CHF;
    • lung & abd. exam;
    • chest wall for reproducibility
  • 12-lead ECG:

    • obtain w/in 10 min;
    • compare to priors & obtain serial ECGs;
    • consider posterior leads (V7–V9) if hx c/w ACS but stnd ECG unrevealing or ST ↓ V1–V3 & pain refractory
  • Troponin

  • CXR; other imaging (echo, PE CTA, etc.) as indicated based on H&P and initial testing

Initial approach (Circ 2021;144:e368)

  • R/o life-threatening causes (ACS, PE, AoD, myopericarditis, etc.)
  • If possible ACS, risk stratify w/ clinician decision pathway (clinical factors + ECG + Tn)
  • Low prob ACS (eg, H&P unconcerning, ⊖ ECG & Tn): d/c to home; risk factor mgmt
  • Intermed prob ACS (neither low nor high clinical risk, ± borderline Tn): ✓ TTE and
    • If no known CAD → CCTA or stress (former ↓ LOS c/w fxnal testing; NEJM 2012;366:1393)
    • If recent mildly ⊕ stress or known non-obstructive CAD → CCTA
    • If obstructive but not high-risk CAD → stress test
    • If recent mod-severely ⊕ stress or high-risk CAD (LM, prox LAD, MVD) → invasive angio
  • High prob ACS (eg, ECG Δs, ⊕ Tn, new ↓ LVEF): invasive coronary angiography
  • Pts w/ acute CP: CCTA vs. stress testing → ↓ time to dx & LOS (less so in era of hsTn), but ↑ probability of cath/PCI (NEJM 2012;366:1393 & 367:299; JACC 2013;61:880)


  • If possible ACS, risk stratify w/ clinician decision pathway (clinical factors + ECG + Tn)
  • Low prob ACS (eg, H&P unconcerning, ⊖ ECG & Tn): d/c to home; risk factor mgmt
  • Intermed prob ACS (neither low nor high clinical risk, ± borderline Tn): ✓ TTE and
    • If no known CAD → CCTA or stress (former ↓ LOS c/w fxnal testing; NEJM 2012;366:1393)
    • If recent mildly ⊕ stress or known non-obstructive CAD → CCTA
    • If obstructive but not high-risk CAD → stress test
    • If recent mod-severely ⊕ stress or high-risk CAD (LM, prox LAD, MVD) → invasive angio

Further reading