
clinical manifestations of waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM)

  • Fatigue : anemia

Tumor infiltration: 骨肝脾淋

  • BM (cytopenias)
  • hepatomegaly
  • splenomegaly
  • lymphadenopathy

Circulating monoclonal IgM

HyperVISCOSITY syndrome (~15%):

神經 : 心 : IgM : autoimmune hemolytic anemia

  • Neurologic:

    • blurred vision (“sausage” retinal veins),
    • HA,
    • dizziness,
    • Δ MS.
  • Cardiopulmonary:

    • congestive heart failure, pulm. infiltrates.
    • Type I cryoglobulinemia → Raynaud’s phenomenon
    • Platelet dysfxn → mucosal bleeding
  • IgM deposition (skin, intestine, kidney); amyloidosis and glomerulopathy
  • Autoantibody activity of IgM: Chronic AIHA
    • (prominent rouleaux; 10% Coombs’ ⊕ = AIHA).
    • Peripheral neuropathy: may be due to IgM against myelin-associated glycoprotein.