
🌱 來自: critical care

difficult airway management

zhtw-of-difficult airway management

Difficult Direct Laryngoscopy (DL)

  • Look externally
  • Evaluate 3-3-2
  • Mallampati score ≥ I
  • Obstruction/Obesity
  • Neck mobility

Difficult Face Mask Ventilation (FMV)

  • Radiation/Restriction
  • Obesity/Obstruction/Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Mask seal/Mallampati/Male
  • Age > 55 years old
  • No teeth

Difficult Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)

  • Restriction
  • Obstruction/Obesity
  • Disrupted or Distorted airway
  • Short thyromental distance

Difficult Cricothyroidotomy

  • Surgery
  • Mass
  • Access (obesity)/Anatomy
  • Radiation
  • Tumor

Difficult Video Laryngoscopy (VL)

  • Contamination and CL3 or 4 with DL
  • Radiation
  • Abnormal anatomy: mass; previous surgery; decreased mouth opening
  • Neck thick or flexion deformity
  • Epiglottitis or enlarged tongue

Difficult Fiberoptic Intubation (FOl)

  • Time
  • Obstruction
  • Disrupted or Distorted airway
  • Secretion

Difficult Physiology

  • Hypotension
  • Oxygenation
  • PH