
mechanical circulatory support

  • Temporary: bridge to recovery, transplant, or durable MCS; periprocedural support

  • Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP): inflates in diastole & deflates in systole to ↓ impedance to LV ejection, ↓ myocardial O2 demand & ↑ coronary perfusion; +0.5 L/min CO

  • Axial flow pumps (eg, Impella): Archimedes screw principle in LV; +3.7–5.5 L/min

  • Extracorporeal centrifugal pumps: TandemHeart (+5 L/min, percutaneous) & CentriMag (10 L/min, surgical)

  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): 6 L/min (JACC HF 2018;6:503)

  • Durable: surgically placed LVAD ± RVAD as bridge to sufficient recovery (in 5–50% of niCMP; JACC 2017;69:1924), to transplant or as destination Rx (>50% ↓ 1-y mort. vs. med Rx; NEJM 2001;345:1435 & 2009;361:2241). Current preferred option is fully magnetically levitated centrifugal flow pump (HeartMate 3), ↓ stroke or re-op vs. axial flow models (NEJM 2019;380:1618).

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in end-stage HF; NEJM 2009;361:2241), or as a mechanical circulatory support (MCS) device

Mechanical circulatory support

  • Temporary: bridge to recovery, transplant, or durable MCS; periprocedural support

  • Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP): inflates in diastole & deflates in systole to ↓ impedance to LV ejection, ↓ myocardial O2 demand & ↑ coronary perfusion; +0.5 L/min CO

  • Axial flow pumps (eg, Impella): Archimedes screw principle in LV; +3.7–5.5 L/min

  • Extracorporeal centrifugal pumps: TandemHeart (+5 L/min, percutaneous) & CentriMag (10 L/min, surgical)

  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): 6 L/min (JACC HF 2018;6:503)

  • Durable: surgically placed LVAD ± RVAD as bridge to sufficient recovery (in 5–50% of niCMP; JACC 2017;69:1924), to transplant or as destination Rx (in end-stage HF; NEJM 2009;361:2241), or as a mechanical circulatory support (MCS) device


在晚期 HF 中; NEJM 2009;361:2241),或作為機械循環支持 (MCS) 設備


  • 臨時:過渡到恢復、移植或持久的 MCS;圍手術期支持

  • 主動脈內球囊泵 (IABP):在舒張期充氣,在收縮期放氣,以降低 LV 射血阻抗、↓ 心肌 O2 需求和 ↑ 冠狀動脈灌注; +0.5 升/分鐘一氧化碳

  • 軸流泵(例如 Impella):LV 中的阿基米德螺旋原理; +3.7–5.5 升/分鐘

  • 體外離心泵:TandemHeart(+5 L/min,經皮)和 CentriMag(10 L/min,手術)

  • 體外膜肺氧合 (ECMO):6 L/min (JACC HF 2018;6:503)

  • 耐用:手術放置 LVAD ± RVAD 作為充分恢復的橋樑(在 5-50% 的 niCMP 中;JACC 2017;69:1924),用於移植或作為目的地 Rx(在終末期 HF;NEJM 2009;361:2241) ,或作為機械循環支持 (MCS) 設備