
inflammatory myopathies

  • Definition and epidemiology 󰒖 (NEJM 2015;372:1734; Lancet Neurol 2018;17:816)
  • Clinical manifestations 󰒖
  • Diagnostic studies (Ann Rheum Dis 2017;76:1955)
    • ↑ CK (rarely >100,000 U/L, can be ↑↑↑ in NM), aldolase, SGOT, LDH; ± ↑ ESR & CRP
      • Autoantibodies 󰒖: ⊕ ANA (>75%)
      • Consider EMG (↑ spontaneous activity, ↓ amplitude, polyphasic potentials w/ contraction) or MRI (muscle edema, inflammation, atrophy) for evaluation; may guide biopsy
      • Pathology and muscle biopsy 󰒖

Treatment (Nat Rev Rheum 2018;14:279)

  • Immunosuppression not effective for IBM. For all others:
  • Steroids (prednisone 1 mg/kg); MTX or AZA early if mod/severe or taper fails (2-3 mo)
  • For resistant (30-40%) or severe disease: AZA/MTX combo, IVIg (NM, DM ± PM), rituximab, MMF, cyclophosphamide (esp. if ILD or vasculitis)
  • IVIg w/ pulse steroids acutely for life-threatening esophageal or resp muscle involvement
  • ✓ for occult malignancy (esp. if DM); monitor respiratory muscle strength with spirometry
  • NM: stop statin; steroids + MTX, RTX, or IVIg