
Treatment-peripheral artery disease

(JACC 2013;61:1555, Circ 2021;144:e171, JAMA 2021;325:2188)

  • Risk factor modif.
  • Screen for CAD/AAA. Structured high-intensity walking
    • (JAMA 2021;325:1266).
  • If sx or if asx with ABI ≤0.90,
    • ASA, clopi, or ticag to ↓ D/MI/stroke (NEJM 2017; 376:32).
    • More intensive antiplt Rx ↓ both MACE & limb ischemic events (JACC 2016;67:2719).
    • Adding riva 2.5 mg bid to ASA ↓ MACE but ↑ bleeding
      • (Lancet 2018;391:219; NEJM 2020;382:1994).
  • Statins & PCSK9i ↓ MACE & limb ischemic events
    • (Circ 2018;137:338). Cilostazol (if no HF).
  • Endovascular (angioplasty vs. stent) or surgical revasc if limiting/refractory sx or CLI