Cellulitis Treatment

(NEJM 2014;370:2238; CID 2014;59:e10; JAMA 2016;316:325 & 2017;317:2088) | Purulent | Usual Micro | Severity | Treatment |

IDSA Algorithm for Management of SSTI

No Purulent

  • Necrotizing Infection / Cellulitis / Erysipelas β-hemolytic Strep >S. aureus

Mild: Oral: PCN VK, cephalosporin, Dicloxacillin, Clindamycin

Mod: IV: PCN, ceftriaxone, cefazolin, Clindamycin

Severe: IV: vanc + pip/tazo (± clinda for toxic shock syndrome)

嚴重的感染,要早點確定診斷,要排除不是Necrotizing Fasciitis

  • Monomicrobial (嘴炮時間:根據2014 IDSA guideline non-purulent cellulitis,嚴重感染常見的病原菌有Strep pyogenes, Clostridial, Vibrio…,首選的治療主要是Penicillin加上Clinda,另外的選項也有Doxycycline, Ceftz, Cipro)

Yes Purulent

如果已經有膿,這時我不會把診斷叫cellulitis,要叫furnucle, carbuncle, abscess

S. aureus (incl. MRSA) >> β-hemolytic Strep


Mild: Consider I&D only vs. I&D + clinda or TMP-SMX (NEJM 2017;376:2545)

Mod: I&D + TMP-SMX or doxycycline

Severe: I&D + IV vanc, daptomycin or linezolid (± clinda for toxic shock syndrome)

  • 在嚴重的感染,等待培養出來前,我會先經驗性給後線可以Cover MRSA抗生素,
  • 如Vancomycin, Dpatomycin, Linezolid, Ceftaroline, 當然Baktar也是可以考慮一下
  • 如果結果是MSSA,就可以考慮降

Mild: abscess <2 cm, no systemic signs of infection, immunocompetent, no indwelling hardware; moderate: systemic signs; severe: SIRS or immunosuppressed

儘管目前的指南建議對小於 2 cm 的單純化膿性膿腫單獨切開引流,但最近的數據表明,即使在較小的膿腫中,輔助抗生素治療也可能導致更高的治愈率。對於較大的膿腫,需要進行輔助抗菌治療。 用🦎 的話說:就是小於2cm雖然guideline說是引流就好,但有抗生素好得快

  • Limb elevation; erythema may worsen after starting abx b/c bacterial killing → inflam.
    • 肢體抬高;開始 abx b/c 細菌殺滅 → 發炎後,紅斑可能會惡化。
  • In obese Pts, adequate drug dosing important to avoid treatment failure (J Infect 2012;2:128)
  • Duration: 5 to up to 14 d based on severity and response to treatment. Take pictures & draw margins to track progress.