
  • CAP (outPt)
    • Amoxicillin, azithro, or doxy (avoid latter two if >25% resistance locally)
  • CAP (ward)
    • [3rd-gen ceph + azithro] or levoflox; omadacycline ≈ FQ (NEJM 2019;380:517)
  • CAP (ICU)
    • 3rd-gen ceph + azithro.
    • Only cover MRSA or Pseudomonas if risk factors (prior PsA PNA, MRSA infection, recent hospitalization, IV abx)
    • [Pip-tazo or cefepime or carbapen.] + [vanc or linezolid].
    • May add resp FQ or azithro if concerned for atypicals. Daptomycin not active in lungs.
  • Treatment of empyema abscess


  • Avoid quinolones if suspect TB.
    • When possible, de-escalate abx based on sensitivities.
  • Steroids:
    • not unless indicated for shock or COPD exacerbation;
    • may ↓ mortality, mech vent, & ARDS in severe CAP (Cochrane 2017;12:CD007720).
    • avoid steroids in influenza
  • Duration:
    • CAP: 5–7 days,
    • can de-escalate IV abx to PO after clinical improvement.
    • HAP/VAP: 7 days.
    • Empyema/abscess: 2–6 wks based on complexity, drainage.