

< Diagnostic >

  • for recurrence early stage TNBC, consider CT scan for chest, abdomen, and pelvis
  • consider PET-CT

< Theraputic >

  • arranged Por-A implentation
  • Cyle 1-4 (Cycled every 3 weeks)
    • Doxorubicin 60 mg/m2, Cyclophosphamide 600 mg/m2
    • Pembrolizumab 200 mg (out-of-pocket expense $65,226NTD x 2 vial x 4 = 521,808)
  • Cycle 5-8 (Cycled every 3 weeks)
    • Docetaxel* 60 mg/m2
    • Pembrolizumab 200 mg (out-of-pocket expense $65,226NTD x 2 vial x 4 = 521,808)
  • then proceed to surgery
  • post-op XRT if indicated

< Education >

  • explained reason of < adjuvant / neoadjuvant > chemotherapy: achieve pathological complete response (pCR), to cure and lower the risk of recurrence/metastasis.
  • explained chemotherapy schedule
  • explained potential chemotherapy toxicities:
    • <> cyclophosphamide: bone marrow function compromised, hemorrhagic cystitis
    • <> doxorubicin: cardiotoxicity, with life-time culmucation 450-500 mg/BSA (300mg/BSA this course)
    • <> docetaxel: stomatitis, persistent febrile neutropenia, cutaneous reactions, moderate neurosensory effects
  • explained potential ICI toxicities:
    • pembrolizumab: skin rash pneumonitis, colitis, hepatitis, hypophysitis, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus
  • suggested high protein diet, not suggested chicken essence because it may confound the lab.