🌱 來自: breast cancer
abbr-of-breast cancer
- ABUS - Automated Breast Ultrasound
- AC
- AIs
- ADH - atypical ductal hyperplasia
- ALH - atypical lobular hyperplasia
- APBI - Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation
- AWS - Axillary Web Syndrome (also known as Cording)
- B9 - benign
- BART - BRACAnalysis Rearrangement Test
- BC - breast cancer
- Bi-Lat - bilateral (eg. bilateral mastectomy is the removal of both breasts)
- BIRADS - Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System score
- BM or BMX - bilateral mastectomy (removal of both breasts)
- BS - breast specialist/surgeon
- BTW - by the way OR between
- Bump - written to bubble a thread up in the active topics
- BWT - but what the ____!
- C. diff - Clostridium difficile, often called C. difficile or C. diff, is a bacterium that can cause symptoms ranging from diarrhea to life-threatening inflammation of the colon.
- CAT - computerized tomography scan (also CT scan)
- CC - capsular contracture
- CEA - carcinoembryonic antigen, a tumor marker in the blood
- CHF - congestive heart failure
- CMF - cyclophosphamide (brand name: Cytoxan), methotrexate (brand names: Amethopterin, Mexate, Folex), fluorouracil (also called 5-fluorouracil or 5-FU; brand name: Adrucil), a common chemotherapy combination.
- CT scan - computerized tomography scan (also CAT scan)
- DCIS - ductal carcinoma in situ
- DD - dose dense, in reference to chemotherapy; or dear daughter when referencing family
- DH - dear husband
- DIEP - deep inferior epigastric perforator flap breast reconstruction
- DIL - daughter-in-law
- DP - dear partner
- DS - dear son
- DW - dear wife
- ER+/- - estrogen receptor positive (+) or negative (-)
- FEC - fluorouracil (also called 5-fluorouracil or 5-FU; brand name: Adrucil), epirubicin (brand name: Ellence), cyclophosphamide (brand name: Cytoxan), a common chemotherapy combination.
- FG - fat graft
- FIL - father-in-law
- FISH - Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, a type of pathology test
- FWIW - for what it’s worth
- GCM - Glucosamine chondroitin with MSM (for joint pain relief)
- H - Herceptin (chemical name: trastuzumab)
- HER2 +/- - human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive (+) or negative (-). Read more on HER2 status.
- HT -
- HRT -
- Hx - history
- IBC - inflammatory breast cancer
- IDC - invasive ductal carcinoma
- IGAP - Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap
- IHC - ImmunoHistoChemistry, a type of pathology test
- ILC - invasive lobular carcinoma
- IMF - infra-mammary fold (the crease/fold under the breast)
- IORT - intraoperative radiation therapy
- IPLC - invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma, a subtype of invasive lobular carcinoma
- KWIM - know what I mean
- LAVH - laparoscropic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
- LCIS - lobular carcinoma in situ
- LD flap - latissimus dorsi flap breast reconstruction
- LE - lymphedema
- Lump - lumpectomy
- Lt - left
- LVI - lymphatic/vascular invasion
- Lx - lumpectomy
- Mast - mastectomy
- MBC -
- Med Onc - medical oncologist
- Mets - metastasis
- MIL - mother-in-law
- MLD - manual lymph drainage
- MO - medical oncologist
- Mojo - sex, or lack of; libido
- MPBC - metaplastic breast cancer
- MRA - magnetic resonance angiogram
- MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
- MX -
- NAC - nipple-areolar complex, a term used in nipple-sparing mastectomy
- NB - Navelbine (chemical name: vinorelbine)
- NED - no evidence of disease
- NP - nurse practitioner
- NSM - nipple-sparing mastectomy
- ODAAT - one day at a time
- ONC - oncologist
- Ooph - oophorectomy or ovary removal
- OS - overall survival
- P -
- PAP Flap - profunda artery perforator flap
- Path - pathology
- PASH - Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia
- PBM - prophylactic bilateral mastectomy
- PCC - Penguin cold caps
- pCR -
- PE - pleural effusion or pulmonary embolism
- PET scan - Positron Emission Tomography scan
- PET-CT scan - a combination of PET and CT scans
- PFC - perfluorinated compounds
- PFC - post final chemo
- PFS - Progression Free Survival
- PICC - peripherally inserted central catheter, sometimes called an arm port
- PILC - pleomorphic invasive lobular carcinoma, a subtype of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC)
- PM - private message
- PR +/- - progesterone receptor positive (+) or negative (-)
- PS - plastic surgeon
- RADS - radiation therapy or radiotherapy
- Rad onc - radiation oncologist
- RO - radiation oncologist
- RS - recurrent score
- SE - side effects
- SERDs - Selective Estrogen Receptor Downregulators
- SERMs - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
- SGAP Flap - superior gluteal artery perforator flap
- SIL - sister-in-law
- SNB - sentinel node biopsy
- TAH-BSO - Total Abdominal Hysterectomy - Bilateral Salpingo Oophorectomy
- TCH - taxotere (chemical name: docetaxel), carboplatin (brand name: Paraplatin), herceptin (chemical name: trastuzumab)
- TCHP - Taxotere (chemical name: docetaxel), carboplatin, Herceptin (chemical name: trastuzumab), Perjeta (chemical name: pertuzumab)
- TE - temporary expanders or tissue expanders, used in breast implant reconstruction
- TL;DR - too long; didn’t read: a quick note used by authors of a post to preface lengthy posts with a quick summary of the topic and question, so others don’t have to read further if not necessary
- TM -
- TN - triple negative (negative status for ER, PR, and HER2)
- TNBC - triple negative breast cancer (negative status for ER, PR, and HER2)
- TRAM flap - transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap reconstruction flap
- TX - treatment
- WBR - whole brain radiotherapy