
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Substance Use Disorders🚧 施工中

Substance Use Disorders

•   Overview: Named by type of substance involved in problematic use (i.e., alcohol use disorder, cocaine use disorder, etc.); however, clinical criteria for diagnosis of each disorder is the same

•   Diagnosis: 2+ symptoms within 1 yr (severity assigned based on number of symptoms: Mild 2–3, moderate 4–5, severe 6+):

-   Using larger amounts or for longer periods of time than intended

-   Desire/attempts to reduce or abstain from use

-   Large amount of time spent on obtaining, using, and/or recovering from use

-   Strong cravings

-   Use that impairs ability to fulfill responsibilities

-   Persistent use despite problems caused by or worsened by use

-   Stops or reduces daily activities due to use (e.g., social, occupation or recreational)

-   Use in dangerous situations or settings

-   Persistent use despite awareness of physical or psychiatric problems that are caused or worsened by use

TABLE 13.2 • Recreational Substances: Intoxication, Withdrawal, and Treatment

-   Tolerance

-   Withdrawal

•   Clinical presentation: See Table 13.2