
🌱來自: renal-cell-carcinoma


**1° endpoint(s) listed below include PFS, ORR, OS from time of randomization to death Class s/e: (see section Toxicities of Immunotherapies) Ipilimumab+Nivolumab (NEJM 2018;378:1277) vs. sunitinib: PFS 11.6 mos vs. 8.4 mos (HR 0.82, P = 0.03), OS (int-poor risk) NR vs. 26 mos (HR: 0.63, P <0.001), ORR 42% vs. 27% (P <0.001) Nivolumab (NEJM 2015;373:1803) vs. everolimus: OS: 25 mos vs. 19.6 mos (HR: 0.70, P = 0.002) High dose IL-2: Yields durable response rarely, but a/w tox, requires specialty center
