
Physical examination of COPD Exacerbation

The presence of emphysema (only when severe) is → indicated by : over-distention of the Iungs in the stable state (chest held near full inspiratory position at ↣ end of normal expiration > 這段意思就 是: 吐氣的 → 容積下降,當然看起來胸廓在 ↣ 吸吐氣差 ✖ 不多),low diaphragmatic position), decreased intensity of breath and heart sounds, and prolonged expiratory phase Evidence of airflow obstruction : wheezes during auscultation on slow or forced breathing and prolongation of forced expiratory time Frequently observed with severe disease : pursed-lip breathing, use of accessory respiratory muscles, retraction of lower interspaces(Hoover’s sign) Unusual positions to relieve dyspnea at ↣ rest Mild dependent edema may be seen in the absence of right heart failure Barrel-shaped” chest : increased anteroposterior diameter of the chest