
🌱 來自:marginal zone lymphoma

Pathogenesis of marginal zone lymphoma

  • Thought to arise from chronic Ag stimulation due to infectious pathogens or other causes of inflammation, including autoimmune diseases

  • Variety of chromosomal translocations can result

    • in Ag-independent activation of
      • NF-ҡB pathway
        • (important signal for B cell survival)
  • Whole genome sequencing of splenic MZL has

    • identified recurrent somatic Mts of
      • genes encoding chromatin-modifying enzymes & proteins
        • in the NOTCH, NF-κB, & MYD88 pathways
          • (JEM 2012;209:1537; NEJM 2012;367:826)

Suspected Antigen or Inflammatory Associations in MZL


  • Intestine: Campylobacter jejuni —C

  • Gastric (most common): Helicobacter pylori —H

  • Lung: Achromobacter xylosoxidans (塞羅=木糖) — Achromobacter (achromo=無色)

  • Cutaneous: Borrelia species a.k.a. Lyme disease —B

  • Orbital/ocular: Chlamydia psittaci —Chlamydia

  • Salivary/lacrimal gland: Sjögren syn

  • Thyroid: Hashimoto thyroiditis

  • Joint/synovial tissue: Relapsing polychondritis

Splenic MZL: Spleen: HCV