Contraindications to Fibrinolysis

Absolute Contraindications

*Any prior ICH *Intracranial neoplasm, aneurysm, AVM *Ischemic stroke or closed head trauma w/in 3 mo; head/spinal surg. w/in 2 mo *Active internal bleeding or known bleeding diathesis *Suspected aortic dissection *Severe uncontrollable HTN *For SK, SK Rx w/in 6 mo

Relative Contraindications

*H/o severe HTN, SBP >180 or DBP >110 on presentation (? absolute if low-risk MI) *Ischemic stroke >3 mo prior *CPR >10 min; trauma/major surg. w/in 3 wk *Internal bleed w/in 2–4 wk; active PUD *Noncompressible vascular punctures *Pregnancy *Current use of anticoagulants *For SK, prior SK exposure