SCLC staging and treatment

  • SCLC usually disseminated at presentation; poor overall survival
  • Can be very responsive to chemotherapy, but rapidly develop resistance
  • Diagnosis: all have Rb & p53 mutations (Nature 2015;524:47); 90% w/ neuroendo markers
  • Treatment: primarily chemo (platinum + etoposide); adding anti-PD-L1 Ab atezolizumab ↑ survival (NEJM 2018;379:2220), as does concurrent thoracic RT in limited-stage disease SCLC Staging Schema and Treatment
  • Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) controversial. Offered to potentially ↑ survival for LS-SCLC in complete remission (NEJM 1999;341:476). Role in ES-SCLC being studied.
  • Second line: low response rates, short survival. Options: lurbinectedin, single-agent chemo (eg, topotecan, docetaxel), reRx w/ platinum doublet, anti-PD-1 (eg, nivo).

Explain by ChatGPT

  • SCLC staging and treatment:
    • SCLC usually disseminated at presentation; poor overall survival
    • Can be very responsive to chemotherapy, but rapidly develop resistance
    • Diagnosis: all have Rb & p53 mutations; 90% w/ neuroendo markers
    • Treatment: primarily chemo (platinum + etoposide); adding anti-PD-L1 Ab atezolizumab ↑ survival, as does concurrent thoracic RT in limited-stage disease
    • Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) controversial. Offered to potentially ↑ survival for LS-SCLC in complete remission. Role in ES-SCLC being studied.
    • Second line: low response rates, short survival. Options: lurbinectedin, single-agent chemo (eg, topotecan, docetaxel), reRx w/ platinum doublet, anti-PD-1 (eg, nivo).


  • SCLC 分期和治療
    • SCLC 通常在介紹時傳播總體生存率低
    • 對化療非常敏感,但會迅速產生耐藥性
    • 診斷:均有Rb & p53突變; 90% w/ neuroendo 標記
    • 治療:主要是化療(鉑 + 依托泊苷);添加抗 PD-L1 抗體 atezolizumab ↑ 生存期,與局限期疾病的同步胸部放療一樣
    • 預防性顱腦照射(PCI)有爭議。提供 LS-SCLC 完全緩解的潛在 ↑ 生存。在 ES-SCLC 中的作用正在研究中。
    • 二線:反應率低,生存期短。選項:lurbinectedin、單藥化療(例如托泊替康、多西紫杉醇)、reRx w/鉑雙藥、抗 PD-1(例如 nivo)。