
disseminated gonococcal infection

Epidemiology (Infect Dis Clin North Am 2005;19:853)

  • N. gonorrhea; most frequent type of infectious arthritis in sexually active young adults
  • Normal host as well as Pts w/ deficiencies of terminal components of complement
  • ♀:♂ = 4:1 historically, but now ↑ in ♂. Occurs in <3% of N. gonorrhea infxn; ↑ incidence w/ menses, pregnancy, postpartum, SLE; ↑ incidence in MSM.
  • Clinical manifestations 󰒖

Additional diagnostic studies

  • Synovial fluid: WBC >50k (but can be <10k), poly predominant Gram stain ⊕ in ~25%; culture ⊕ in up to 50% if done w/ Thayer-Martin media
  • Blood culture:
    • more likely ⊕ in arthritis-dermatitis syndrome;
    • rarely in joint-localized disease
  • Gram stain and culture of skin lesions occasionally ⊕
  • Cervical, urethral, pharyngeal, rectal PCR or cx on Thayer-Martin media; ✓ Chlamydia


  • Ceftriaxone × 7-14 d w/ empiric doxycycline × 7 d for Chlamydia if co-infection has not been excluded (see STI)
  • Joint arthroscopy/lavage may be required for purulent arthritis; rarely >1 time