Types of stones and risk factors

(Nat Rev Dis Prim 2016;2:16008)

  • Calcium oxalate stones are most common (75%); next, in order, are calcium phosphate (15%), uric acid (8%), struvite (1%), and cystine (<1%) stones.
  • 草酸鈣結石最常見 (75%) ;接下來,依次是磷酸鈣 (15%) 、尿酸 (8%) 、鳥糞石/感染性結石 (1%) 和胱氨酸 (<1%) 結石。


  • (Ca oxalate >Ca phosphate):
    • 70-90% of kidney stones (NEJM 2010;363:954)
  • Urine findings:
    • ↑ Ca,
    • ↑ oxalate (Ca-ox only),
    • ↑ pH (Ca-phos only),
    • ↓ citrate,
    • ↓ volume
  • 2° hypercalciuria: 1° hyperparathyroidism, distal RTA (type 1), sarcoid, Li use
  • 2° hyperoxaluria: Crohn’s → CD, ileal disease w/ intact colon, gastric bypass, pancreatic insuffic.
  • Diet: ↑ animal protein, ↑ sucrose, ↑ Na, ↓ K, ↓ fluid, ↓ fruits/vegetables, ↑ vit. C, ↓ Ca

Uric acid

  • 5-10% of kidney stones, radiolucent on plain film
  • Urine findings: ↑ uric acid, ↓ pH (eg, from chronic diarrhea)

Magnesium ammonium phosphate

  • (“struvite” or “triple phosphate”)
  • Chronic upper UTI w/ urea-splitting organisms (eg, Proteus, Klebs) →
  • ↑ urine NH3, pH >7


  • inherited defects of tubular amino acid reabsorption