Alcohol-associated hepatitis

  • Sx: progressive jaundice, tender hepatomegaly, fever, ascites, GIB, encephalopathy

Symptoms: gradual yellowing of the skin, painful enlargement of the liver, fever, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, gastrointestinal bleeding, brain dysfunction.

  • Labs: ALT usually <300–500 w/ AST:ALT > 2:1, ↓ plt, ↑ Tbili & INR indicate severe hepatitis
  • Severe hepatitis is indicated by laboratory results showing that the levels of ALT are typically less than 300-500 with a ratio of AST to ALT greater than 2:1, a decrease in the number of platelets, and an increase in bilirubin and INR levels.

Prognosis-Alcohol-associated hepatitis

Treatment of Alchololic-associated hepatitis

Consider early transplantation in carefully selected Pts (Gastro 2018;155:422)