
acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)

(Blood 2009;113:1875)

Rare, ~8% of AML in U.S.

90% cure rates

  • Atypical promyelocytes (large, granular cells; bilobed nuclei) in blood and bone marrow

  • Defined by translocation of retinoic acid receptor: t(15;17); PML-RARA (>95% of cases)


  • Medical emergency with DIC and bleeding common

  • Remarkable responses to all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) & arsenic trioxide (ATO) which induce differentiation of leukemic blasts.

    • ∴ early initiation of ATRA if APL suspected

Non-high-risk APL 🍏

  • ATRA + ATO (induction + 4 cycles consolidation)
  • → CR ~100%;
  • event-free survival 97% and overall survival 99% at 2 y (NEJM 2013;362:111)

High-risk APL 🍎

  • WBC >10k at diagnosis.
  • No clear consensus.
  • In general, chemo (anthracycline or gemtuzumab ozogamicin) added to ATRA + ATO induction and consolidation.

Differentiation syndrome (ATRA)