
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Dynamics Flow, Resistance, and VQ Matching🚧 施工中

Dynamics: Flow, Resistance, and V/Q Matching

•   Flow:

-   Ohm’s Law (ΔP = Q × R)

P = pressure, Q = flow, R = resistance

   Laminar flow: ΔQ proportional to ΔP (peripheral airway). Reynold’s # < 2000.

   Turbulent flow: ΔQ proportional to √ΔP (central airway). Reynold’s # >2000.

   Reduce density of gas → favors turbulent over laminar flow → decrease work of breathing

-   Breathing cycle

   At rest: Lung collapsing forces = Chest wall expanding forces; Intra-alveolar pressure = 0 cm H2O (i.e., equal to atmospheric pressure); pleural pressure negative (−5 cm H2O); Transmural pressure positive (+5 cm H2O); Lung volume = FRC.

   Inspiration: Inspiratory muscles contract → Thoracic volume increases → Intra-alveolar pressure <0 cm H2O (i.e., becomes lower than atmospheric pressure) → Air flows in → Intrapleural pressure becomes more negative; Lung volume = FRC + TV.

   Expiration (passive): Elastic forces of lungs compress greater volume of air in alveoli → Alveolar pressure > atmospheric pressure → Air flows out → Intrapleural pressure returns to baseline (−5 cm H2O)

   Forced expiration: Similar to passive expiration, except use of musculature (abdominal wall, internal intercostals) results in even more positive intrapleural pressure, which rapidly forces air out of the lungs

•   Resistance/Poiseuille’s Law: R = 8ηl/πr4

R = Resistance to flow, η = viscosity of gas, l = length of airway, r = radius of airway

-   Medium-sized airways = Highest resistance (small-sized bronchi exist in parallel, so less resistance)

-   Resistance influenced by:

   Modification of airway radius via bronchial smooth muscle

-   Sympathetic stimulation: β2 receptors → smooth muscle relaxation → airway dilation → decreased resistance (e.g., β2-agonist inhalers)

-   Parasympathetic stimulation: Smooth muscle contraction → airway constriction → increased resistance (e.g., anticholinergic toxicity)

   Modification of airway radius by lung volume

-   High volume = more traction holding airways open, thus decreased resistance (and vice versa)

•   V/Q Matching:

-   Calculating ventilation

   Minute ventilation = Tidal volume × breaths/min

   Alveolar ventilation = (Tidal volume – dead space) × breaths/min

-   Dead space: Ventilation but no perfusion (Figure 2.5)

FIGURE 2.5: Dead space and shunt. Dead space refers to areas that are ventilated but not perfused, whereas shunt refers to areas that are perfused but not ventilated. V = ventilation; Q = blood flow.

   Types of dead space:

-   Anatomic dead space: Volume of the conducting airways (i.e., areas that move air but do not participate in gas exchange; ~150 mL)

-   Physiologic dead space: Functional measurement of the volume of the lungs that does not participate in gas exchange

•   Calculating physiologic dead space: VD = VT × (PACO2 – PECO2)/(PACO2)

-   VD = Physiologic dead space, VT = Tidal volume, PACO2 = PCO2 of arterial blood = PCO2 of alveolar gas, PECO2 = PCO2 expired air

   If physiologic dead space > predicted anatomic dead space, then pathology is present that increases dead space

-   E.g., pulmonary embolism – clot disrupts blood flow (i.e., Q = 0) → V/Q = infinity; 100% O2 will help

-   Shunt: Perfusion but no ventilation (Figure 2.5)

   E.g., airway obstruction (i.e., V = 0) → V/Q = 0; 100% O2 does NOT help

-   V/Q mismatch is more likely to cause hypoxemia than hypercapnia

   O2 has a sigmoidal hemoglobin binding curve and thus is generally saturated in the alveolar–capillary bed (i.e., exchange only increases with increased blood flow) → hyperventilating does not help

   CO2 has a linear hemoglobin binding curve, and increased ventilation can increase removal from blood → hyperventilating can help/compensate for mismatch