
etiologies and diagnosis of infectious arthritis

Etiologies (Curr Rheumatol Rep 2013;15:332)

  • Bacterial (nongonococcal): early diagnosis and treatment essential
  • Gonococcal (N. gonorrhea): consider in sexually active young adults
  • Viral:
    • parvovirus,
    • HCV,
    • HBV,
    • acute HIV,
    • Chikungunya; mainly polyarticular,
    • may mimic RA
  • Mycobacterial: monoarticular or axial (Pott’s disease)
  • Fungal: Candida (esp. prosthetic joints), coccidiomycosis (valley fever), histoplasmosis
  • Other: Lyme, Mycoplasma, Salmonella, Brucellosis, T. whipplei

Diagnosis (JAMA 2007;297:1478)

  • H&P w/ poor sensitivity and specificity for septic arthritis
  • Arthrocentesis in acute onset inflammatory monoarthritis to r/o septic arthritis; if possible, obtain fluid sample prior to starting antibiotics
  • Do not tap through overlying infected area to prevent introducing infxn into joint space
    • ✓ Fluid cell count w/ diff, Gram stain, bacterial culture, crystal analysis;
    • WBC >50k w/ PMN predominance suspicious for bact. infxn;
    • crystals do not r/o septic arthritis!